Monday 6 June 2016

Reduce your stress level by consuming high quality organic herbs

There are so many causes of stress in our modern lives, from traffic to difficult family or work situations. A common cause of stress is the feeling that we have too much to do and too little time to do it. Unemployment is another potential source, as is pollution – both from our environment and from junk food. Even watching crime stories and violence on TV day after day, builds up stress and releases stress hormones into our systems. An unhappy relationship (or no relationship!), a dominating spouse, school exams, sick children, burn out at home or work – the list of causes is virtually endless.
Stress, in turn, may trigger allergies, asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, herpes and can also lead to heart conditions.
Actually I’ve found in my naturopathic/ayurvedic practice, that stress can be the underlying cause of almost any disease of mind body and spirit. According to our constitution the stress will manifest in different ways and different disease states. Generally stress lowers our immunity and resistance to disease, agitates our mind, stirs up and exaggerates our emotions, and over time exhausts our adrenals.
For pregnant and breastfeeding women managing your stress is particularly important, as the latest research has shown that high stress levels adversely affects your baby. Cortisol (the hormone produced in excess by stress) crosses the placenta and can reduce the babies’ mental development. For all of us reducing cortisol is the key.

Different types or manifestations of Stress (Ayurvedic perspective)
Vata – this is when stress dries us out. From our skin and hair, to our nervous system. It leads to dry and erratic and ungrounded conditions like anxiety, constipation, cramps, undigested food, and over time it will cause depletion and low energy diseases, mental health imbalances and exhaustion
Pitta – this type of stress manifests as hot, sharp intense conditions. Angry outbursts, red skin conditions, loose stools, nausea, heart-burn, and sharp pains. Over time these can lead to burn out.
Kapha – stress is seen here as heavy, dense, sluggish conditions. Overweight, excess sleep, dullness, excess mucous, swellings, and over time can lead to depression, apathy and no energy to change the unhealthy habits we are caught in.
Next Month we will find out easy ways to reduce our stress response…

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