Thursday 23 June 2016

Visit a Reputable Naturopath for Exceptional Menopausal Support

Menopausal symptoms can have adverse effects on your wellbeing and may escalate to a point of severe discomfort.  Take the reins on your health and find a professional naturopathic health centre that offers menopausal herbal support, like Mullumbimby Herbals. 
Why choose the Naturopathic Approach?

Over the years, alternative medicine has garnered acceptance and popularity as a way of treating various ailments and health problems. The naturopathic approach aims at treating various health issues by supporting the body’s innate healing processes.  The patient is considered holistically, and treatment plans are individualized.  Natural herbs are among the many potent tools used to re-establish balance, vitality, and to maintain glowing health.

Natural herbs do not regularly come with the severe adverse side effects that so many of their conventional drug counterparts tend to.  Further, natural medicines treat a wide array of ailments, and often support health in multiple systems of the body.  One medicine may be prescribed for a particular condition, and yet support an array of benefits not yet considered by client as part of the problem.  For instance, you will find that a natural herb that soothes a headache is also ideal for treating joint pain or backache.

Take your time to find a professional, respected naturopathic health centre that you trust and feel comfortable with to receive the best services on offer. A good facility should provide exceptional services and high quality organic herbs.

Monday 6 June 2016

Reduce your stress level by consuming high quality organic herbs

There are so many causes of stress in our modern lives, from traffic to difficult family or work situations. A common cause of stress is the feeling that we have too much to do and too little time to do it. Unemployment is another potential source, as is pollution – both from our environment and from junk food. Even watching crime stories and violence on TV day after day, builds up stress and releases stress hormones into our systems. An unhappy relationship (or no relationship!), a dominating spouse, school exams, sick children, burn out at home or work – the list of causes is virtually endless.
Stress, in turn, may trigger allergies, asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin conditions, herpes and can also lead to heart conditions.
Actually I’ve found in my naturopathic/ayurvedic practice, that stress can be the underlying cause of almost any disease of mind body and spirit. According to our constitution the stress will manifest in different ways and different disease states. Generally stress lowers our immunity and resistance to disease, agitates our mind, stirs up and exaggerates our emotions, and over time exhausts our adrenals.
For pregnant and breastfeeding women managing your stress is particularly important, as the latest research has shown that high stress levels adversely affects your baby. Cortisol (the hormone produced in excess by stress) crosses the placenta and can reduce the babies’ mental development. For all of us reducing cortisol is the key.

Different types or manifestations of Stress (Ayurvedic perspective)
Vata – this is when stress dries us out. From our skin and hair, to our nervous system. It leads to dry and erratic and ungrounded conditions like anxiety, constipation, cramps, undigested food, and over time it will cause depletion and low energy diseases, mental health imbalances and exhaustion
Pitta – this type of stress manifests as hot, sharp intense conditions. Angry outbursts, red skin conditions, loose stools, nausea, heart-burn, and sharp pains. Over time these can lead to burn out.
Kapha – stress is seen here as heavy, dense, sluggish conditions. Overweight, excess sleep, dullness, excess mucous, swellings, and over time can lead to depression, apathy and no energy to change the unhealthy habits we are caught in.
Next Month we will find out easy ways to reduce our stress response…

Organic herbs help to improve the quality of life

Elements of health.
VATA – is composed of Space and Air
PITTA – is composed of Fire and a little Water
KAPHA – is composed of Water and Earth


Thin/slim body types who do not put on weight easily
Rough dry skin and hair
Tend towards anxiety and worry
Have erratic memory, eating habits and general tendencies
Light interrupted sleep
Restlessness in body and mind
Excess Vata leads to constipation, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, brittle hair and nails, poor memory, ungrounded and erratic lifestyle
To Balance Rhythm and routine, regular meals, regular sleep patterns, nourishing and grounding foods and lifestyle choices, friendly oils, Stress Release Hold, yoga


Medium body types
Smooth skin with tendency of moles and freckles
Have good appetite and can get addicted to things
High intelligence and quick with understanding and implementing new ideas
Red eyes and/or nose and face
Excess Pitta leads to the person getting impatient and angry, early greying and/or balding of hair, tendency towards “hot” diseases like liver and skin complaints, psoriasis, eczema, hives, red eyes, high blood pressure and inflammatory diseases.
To Balance Chill Out!, Cool water on eyes and/or feet,  cooling foods and herbs like peppermint, be in nature, rest, sing, help others, yoga, smell the roses, drink rose petal tea,


Bigger more solid body types who tend to put on weight easily
Thick oily hair and skin
Clear whites of the eyes
Heavy strong bones
Tend to move slowly and deliberately
Like to sleep and to take it easy
Excess Kapha leads to “heavy” diseases like sugar imbalances and sluggishness, obesity, high cholesterol, dullness, swellings and felling sluggish and low.
To Balance movement, stimulation, spicy foods, light dry foods, fasting, & hot water

For more information Visit here:-

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Organic Herbs – The Safest Approach to Preventing Lifestyle Diseases

If you are reading this post, it is probably because you have developed an interest in organic herbs. Well, two things are certain, one is that you are at the right place. The second thing is that you have made one of the best decisions of your life by choosing to benefit from what herbal remedies have to offer.

Like most people who have contacted us before, you may not understand why herbal medicine is still useful in this digital era. While modern medicine is very useful in curing full blown conditions and diseases, organic herbs can prevent them in the first place. Herbal medicine offers a comprehensive support to your general well-being. In addition, while most of the conventional drugs may have multiple side effects such as causing kidney complications etc, organic herbs are completely safe.

They do not have any chemical additives that could pose health hazards for you in the future. It is in fact why many women today prefer using menopausal herbal support to conventional drugs. It is true that once women hit the menopause age, they start having various complications. You can trust organic herbs to help alleviate those complications and live a stress free life.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Natural Relief for Menopause Treatment

Menopause, like getting pregnant, is a stage in life when a woman’s body starts to chart wild and unfamiliar waters. There are numerous remedies in the market that can help ease this stage but so too are there natural relief methods that you can opt for. Besides the high quality organic herbs, you can switch to optimal nutrition. You can also use herbal remedies that work as your hormone’s adaptogens. Exercising regularly will reduce the fat in your body and boost the progesterone and estrogen ratios. Exercising along with other activities will also help in reducing stress and maintaining bone density.

Natural menopausal herbal support is a hot topic with women. Most women want to know how alternative natural treatments can help in alleviating such symptoms as insomnia, hot flashes, and fuzzy thinking. The answer to that question is that natural products are extremely effective, the severity of the symptoms notwithstanding.
However, natural treatments do not work in the same way as prescription drugs. The natural treatment works with your body and reduces or prevents all symptoms rather than giving you temporary relief. The treatments balance testosterone, estrogen and progesterone levels with no added risk of side effects.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

An Overview of Herbal Tinctures

Herbs have become one of the most popular methods of medication and health support. Tinctures are liquids that are highly concentrated and are extracted from herbs. There are a lot of benefits when it comes to using herbal tinctures. Once the herb is tinctured, its medicinal properties will be retained for a long period. Alcohol tinctures are more preferred because they last for longer periods than vinegar or glycerin extracts.

Anyone can make these tinctures without having to follow a complicated procedure of extraction. The requirements for the extraction process are only high-quality herbs, and solvents which should be as pure as possible and of high quality.

Different organizations deal with different types of herbs. It is, therefore, essential to ask for assistance from the companies that deal with menopausal herbal support in case you are experiencing menopause symptoms. Dealing with herbs for medicinal purposes is effective compared to other drugs. This is because herbs are natural and have less contra-indications for use. When dealing with herbs, it is important to know the different types of herbs and their effectiveness. If you are on medication it is particularly important to talk to your herbalist or naturopath to make sure the herbs do not react negatively with your medicines.

Friday 22 January 2016

Maintaining Menstrual Harmony

There are times in a woman’s life when the usual balance in her menstrual cycle may be disrupted. External and internal factors can effect hormone balance, manifesting in a range of symptoms. There are many ways in which the alternative practitioner can help restore balance.

It is important to mention that the naturopathic approach is to treat the individual. Every woman will present with her own particular story. A naturopathic consultation allows the practitioner to explore the underlying factors and suggest appropriate herbs, supplements , dietary and lifestyle changes.

The liver is a very important organ to support with hormone imbalance due to its action of clearing hormones from the body. Herbs such as St. Mary’s thistle, Schisandra, Dandelion root &Bupleurum will improve liver function. Starting the day with warm water and lemon juice, eating bitter greens and reducing intake of coffee & alcohol will also help.

Phytoestrogens are compounds found in herbs and food that are similar in chemical structure to oestrogen. These compounds are able to bind to receptors on the cell walls, having a regulatory effect on oestrogen levels.
A qualified naturopath will determine the most suitable treatment for the individual woman.